Thursday, January 5, 2012

Chulent tip from ashkefardic.

An ashkefardic (half ashkenaz/ half sefard) friend of mine says the best chulent he ever tasted contained
Dr browns black cherry soda. Now I am definitely not one for zany chulent ingredients especially from some one on the sephardic side. But it got me thinking about it more. Maybe there is some room for experimentation. So i am committing to try different chulent recipes and report my finding here for you.

So if you have any wacky chulents recipes THAT YOU HAVE TRIED AND THAT ARE TASTY please send them to me.

Shabbat shalom and gut shabbos

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Is Shin a Sin?

One of my golden rules of chulent making is any (almost) any meat is good for chulent. After 24+ hours there is no difrention between cuts of meat. To prove this point I have begun to experiment with some more unsual cuts.

My experiment for this week was ... SHIN. (If you followed me on Twitter, you would know that already).

I had originally picked it up as an experiment to smoke it (a new hobby of mine), but as I read up on it I saw it was very good for stews. And what is chulent but the ultimate stew. And it worked Faaaabulously. It was soft and tender but did not just fall apart on its own.

So just remember the right type of meat for chulent, is the cheapest one that week.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dr Chulent Diagnosis

It has come to the attention of yours truly that chulent has become somewhat of an over complicated obsession. I know that for years people have debated what component make up the ultimate chulent.

Beer or Coke?
Flanken or Chuck?
Chulent of Cholent?

I am coming to clear the air and say that the all the controversies just complicate the matter. Just look here for how long is its wikipedia entry.

Chulent is meant to be simple, and the Dr. has the prescription.